Non Non Biyori Wiki
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List of Named pets in the anime.



Episode 1 - Anime Gu

Manga gu1

Manga Gu

Gu ( Gu?) is a tanuki (Japanese raccoon dog). Renge feeds and considers Gu her pet (even though it's probably a wild animal.)

The word "gu" (具) means "ingredient of dishes (especially soups)". Of course, it is not that she thinks Gu as food. It is just because she somehow has a quirky habit of naming animals after foods, e.g. Salt, Hikarimono Boss, and Fatty (アブラミン Aburamin?), a toad she found in "I Played the Frog Song", which is from "脂身" (aburami, "fat of meat").



Episode 4 - Salt

Salt (お塩 O-Shio?) is a crab that Renge catches in the river and wants to keep as a pet. Natsumi comments, "You don't have much of a gift for naming things do you?". Kazuho convinces her to set it free.

In the manga Renge catches Salt again (supposedly the same crab) in the winter and puts it in an aquarium in her house.


Nonstop, Episode 7 - This time, the crab ends up in an aquarium



Repeat, Episode 2 - Anime Pechi

Manga pechi1

Manga Pechi

Pechi (ペチ Pechi?) is Hotaru's pet corgi.

In the manga, Pechi appears to be much smaller, maybe even a different breed.

Renge once called Pechi "Hiza-Kakkun" (膝カックン/ひざかっくん), which means a prank making someone's knees bend from behind using your knees (like this).

Pechi's voice is played by Akiko Hiramitsu, the voice actress for Yukiko Koshigaya (Koshigaya siblings' mother).



Repeat, Episode 4 - Flatty-San

Flatty-san (ひらたいらさん Hirataira-san?) is the name Renge gave to a bunch of triops shrimp that the girls collected from a river. She keeps them in an aquarium in the school and is the sole caretaker for them. She also keeps an observation journal on them.

The name "Hirataira-san" is a pun of "hiratai" (ひらたい/平たい, adjective "flat") and a manga artist Taira Hara (はらたいら, "Hara Taira" in Japanese name order).


Renge laments the passing of Flatty-san



Repeat, Episode 6 - Sonohigurashi

Hand to Mouth (その日暮らし Sonohigurashi?) is a cicada that Natsumi lures out of its hole by pouring water into it. Renge calls it "Hand to Mouth" (it's a rather hard word to translate, essentially it means "a carefree existence/living life day-by-day").

This name is a pun of "higurashi," a kind of cicada that is very common in Japan. It is not certain if Sonohigurashi is really a higurashi or another kind of cicada, though.

Hikarimono Boss[]


Repeat, Episode 9 - Hikarimono Boss

Hikarimono Boss (光りもの親方 Hikarimono oyakata?) is a huge common carp that Natsumi catches when the girls go fishing. They bring the carp to Natsumi's and put it in a pond. Later Renge decides to name it "Hikarimono Oyakata", meaning "Master of shiny fish".[1][note 1] HiDive subtitled it as "Master of the sliced fish". Crunchyroll subtitled it "Hikarimono Boss".


Repeat, Episode 12 - Hikarimono Boss


Nonstop, Episode 7 - Renge greets Hikarimono Boss



Nonstop, Episode 7 - Odango

Shiori isn't allowed to have a dog, so she imagines her soccer ball to be her pet. Renge names it Dumpling (Odango). Dango is a rice dumpling commonly shaped into a ball.


  1. A common carp is not thought to be a hikarimono (shiny fish). Renge does not seem to care about such things when she names animals, though.


  1. Maeda Sushi Restaurant: Hikarimono